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Why is it that Israeli Jews are allowed to define their homeland on ethnic and religious grounds -- to the point of forbidding non-Jews to own land! -- but then American and European Jews promote racial integration and multiculturalism?

It’s a legitimate question, with the assumed answer being that in both cases, it’s good for the Jews, who are well equipped to flourish in an America that lacks a strong Anglo-Saxon identity and in an Israel that possesses a strong Jewish one. (With respect to this asymmetry, some in the racialist Right have suggested that America stop trying to mimic Israel’s foreign policies and adopt its domestic ones.)

An important addendum to all this is that Jews often swallow the liberal poison themselves and suffer from the law of unintended consequences (to borrow one of the neocons’ favored phrases.) “Jewish plots” to, say, get the Goyim inured to birth control, abortions, and non-traditional lifestyles have devastated Jewish communities, too. Moreover, many liberal Jews who fear white anti-Semitism might soon learn that Jews fare much better in a WASP culture than in a Latino, black, or multicultural one.



"Moreover, many liberal Jews who fear white anti-Semitism might soon learn that Jews fare much better in a WASP culture than in a Latino, black, or multicultural one."

Le blanc étant devenu une couille molle, le juif n'a en effet plus rien à en craindre (effet shoa), mais la couillemolisation du blanc entraine sa dégénérescence identitaire et celle de son instinct de simple survie, ce qui fait que les pays occidentaux n'opposent plus aucune résistance à l'invasion migratoire de masse et à son corollaire le multiculturalisme, le métissage, la soumission aux allogènes revendicatifs (et d'autant plus revendicatifs que le blanc est faible, lâche, sans identité à défendre). C'est l'effet shoa-kiss kool : le blanc n'est plus dangereux pour les juifs certes, mais c'est parce qu'il n'est plus dangereux pour personne ! ainsi, nos amis juifs sont perdants à tous les coups ! cétipabo d'être le peuple élu ?

Écrit par : Enculé | 21/06/2010

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