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(...) People really don’t know what relationships looked like before TV and movies told them what a relationship was supposed to look like. What actually existed before Disney, et al., reinvented and re-scripted male-female relations was a world brimming with deception, mistresses, stolen moments with the stable boy, lying, boredom, sexual problems, money problems, psychological abuse, and addiction. These things were accepted—but more importantly, expected—aspects of life and therefore of marriage. It was not scandalous or humiliating if you got a bad apple or your marriage wasn’t shiny and perfect. The world has not changed. Human nature has not evolved or improved.

The only difference is that now people walk around with tinted glasses, expecting and believing male-female relations to be Disney-pink, and when the picture goes grey or fuzzy they simply change the channel. Women are ill-prepared, and when they find out that “happily ever after” does not work as it does in the Disney or ABC version, they run away in fear, screaming divorce and ready to torch the house to the ground—children and family pets included. TV leads people to believe they can have a TV-type relationship and if they keep looking—if they switch partners, jumble the kids around a bit, get a new house, car, and maybe even move to a new city–reality won’t find them. Sitcoms and movies are nothing more than long commercials for a fantasy life that people want. Unfortunately, not enough parents taught their children not to believe everything they see on TV. (...)



"TV leads people to believe they can have a TV-type relationship"

ben oué

les gens n'ont jamais regardé la télé

c'est la télé qui les regarde

la diffusion de mauvaises ondes depuis des décennies ont créé des générations de gens qui croient dur comme fer que le monde leur appartient alors que c'est eux qui appartiennent au monde

suivent incompréhensions, déceptions, frustrations

le tout inconsolable et irrémédiable puisque leur système d'exploitation est vérolé dès la naissance

pas de grande théorie derrière tout ça, la vie au quotidien nous hurle tout cela, à preuve l'incroyable manière dont les gens occupent leur espace vital : sans limite de temps ni d'espace

la nouveauté étant que non seulement la nuisance est la norme mais qu'elle est intégrée par tous : on écrase l'espace social et on trouve tout naturel d'être écrasé par lui

les humains qui génèrent cette nuisance et l'acceptent comme un acquis incompressible ne méritent pas le cadeau de la vie

Écrit par : GAG | 05/12/2011

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