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We have completely wasted the past thirty years, comrades. That is a fact. Some of this wastage was due to sincere and hopeful expeditions down some dead ends which, in retrospect, were pretty obvious. (...) We have also been plagued with a series of self-appointed leaders who have been corrupt, incompetent, and dishonest, and we are still plagued with some of these holdovers from the past. You can yell and scream and moan and spread rumors that I’m a government agent all you want, but that’s a fact as well.

Had we not wasted those thirty years, it is possible that we might be in a position to engage in an armed insurrection against NWO. We are not, and anyone who tells you otherwise is either a fool or a REAL police agent. I am telling you to get your heads together and learn. I am not asking you to die for your race. I am asking you to LIVE for it, and more difficult, I am asking you to WORK for it.

I know this is a message many don’t want to hear.



A lire aussi au même endroit sur un autre sujet :


The historic struggle against the state has been in many ways quite successful. Indeed, virtually all manifestations of the state save one are now firmly discredited in the minds of most modern intellectuals. Apologists for fascism, communism, monarchy, theocracy, aristocracy and military government are very few and far between. Only democratism retains the allegiance of modern thinkers. The zeal for revolutionary democratism that has characterized Western intellectuals since the time of the French Revolution is now the official doctrine of the most powerful state in history. The time is steadily approaching when William Graham Sumner’s prediction of an ultimate day when men are divided into only two political camps, Anarchists (defenders of the individual) and Socialists (defenders of the state), will be realized.


on dirait le discours de ferencs gursanyi lorsque les magyars lui ont filé le pouvoir pour la 2ème fois("nous avons merdé , personne n'a autant merdé que nous , nous avons menti ,menti et encore menti")
plus il y eut victor orban
un couillu cui là
pas peur des mots ni de facher l'ue
c'est du genre "c'est comm'ça et merde pour ceux qui ne sont pas contents"
mais aussi l'europe , ses eurocrates aux cheveux gras , ses commissaires tatillons , son formatage qui commence à science pipo ( la politique , une science ? ha putain , la crise !), son but , l'alpha et l'oméga , merde , je crois qu'ils ont réussi à gâter un truc qui à la base était pas si nul que ça

Écrit par : kobus van cleef | 21/01/2011

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